HELPING together – Join us!
The training focuses on learning the HEAL method, the process of turning positive and supportive experiences into lasting inner strengths:
“Have a positive experience, Enrich it, Absorb it, and Link (optional) the positive experience to negative material in order to soothe and even replace it.” HEAL is the essence of the positive neuroplasticity training PNT developed by the neuropsychologist Rick Hanson Ph. D.
Refugees learn to deliberately focus their attention on healing experiences, they relearn how to relax and how to feel safe and connected.
At the same time the program aims at encouraging engagement whilst supporting the volunteers and field workers, who are also exposed to a lot of the stress due to the crisis.
Don’t hesitate, register and join us!
You can find out more about the project „HELP – Helping refugees to HEAL“ here.
Any Questions?
What to expect during the Online-Live-Training?
What are the technical requirements to take part in the Online-Live-Training?
Is the Online-Live-Training free of charge?
How can I find out more about the project?
For more information, please feel free to leave us a message.
Past courses
HR-HEAL-6 (UA/DE) Online
HR-HEAL-5 (UA/DE) Online
HR-HEAL-4 (DE) Online
HR-HEAL-3 (DE) Online
HR-HEAL-2 (DE) Online
HR-HEAL-1 (DE) Online
Our speakers
Julia Tschernowalow
Julia ist Bildungswissenschaftlerin und Organisationstalent bei der M-A-U-S Charity. Als Erste-Hilfe Lehrkraft mit russischen Migrationshintergrund. Aufgrund ihrer interkonfessionellen und interkulturellen Kompetenzen und Erfahrungen geht sie konkret auf die Bedürfnisse und…...
Julia Tschernowalow
0049 721 92924-151Julia ist Bildungswissenschaftlerin und Organisationstalent bei der M-A-U-S Charity. Sie sorgt dafür, dass alles reibungslos läuft und die Ergebnisse unserer Projekte wissenschaftlich ausgewertet werden und in die Weiterentwicklung unseres Angebots…...
Katja Meyer-Rachner
Katja unterweist seit mehr als 10 Jahren andere auf sehr kluge und liebenswerte Weise in die verschiedenen Praktiken der Achtsamkeit in Achtsamkeitskursen. Sie verkörpert, was man sich bei PNT-Anleiter*Innen wünscht:…...
Project flyer
How can I HELP joining a team?
Contribute by Joining a Team
Join and participate in a team according to your interests, capacities and skills!
Translation/Interpretation – Team
We need your HELP! Please join us if you are fluent in Ukrainian. We need text to be translated from English or German for the Online-Live-Trainingand the material on the Moodle Course. Even if you have little experience or little time, we would love to have your help, when recording the meditations/excercises or to translate instruction. Or even for simultaneous translation?
For further information please contact:
Test/Quality – Team
We need your HELP! Please join this team to test the beta and alpha Version of the Moodle Course HELP to get feedback and to realise improvements.
For further information please contact:
Open Creativity – Team
We need your HELP! Please join us, if you want to express your creativity to brighten up the design for the Course or other information material. We are open to any enhancing and helping promotion ideas!
For further information please contact:
Public Relations – Team
We need your HELP! Help us spread the information! We want as many refugees as possible to know about the free Moodle-Course to get fast and lasting psychological support.
For further information please contact:
Sign up here
- Project duration: 01.09.2022 – 31.12.2022
- Titel of Project: „Helping refugees to HEAL – Promoting the emotional stability of Ukrainian refugees “
- Financially supported by: Deutsche Stiftung für Engagement und Ehrenamt
- Carried out by M-A-U-S Charity gGmbH
The project is supported by the DSEE (Deutsche Stiftung für Engagement and Ehrenamt) German Foundation for Engagement and Volunteering) “EHRENAMT HILFT GEMEINSAM – ankommen, mitmachen, Gesellschaft gestalten – Volunteers are helping together – arriving, participating, shaping society”
We are looking forward to getting to know you – HELPing together!