HELP - Helping refugees to HEAL

Read this page in German or Ukrainian.

The HELP project aims at teaching the scientifically based, innovative HEAL method to refugees in a free online course on the course webside. This helps to increase mental health and self-efficacy of refugees. HEAL (Have, Enrich, Absorb, Link) is a positive neuroplasticity method based on the training developed by Rick Hanson Ph.D that empowers you to actively work with your mind to develop inner strengths from daily experiences and limit the effects of negative experiences. The refugees learn to deliberately direct their attention to supportive experiences in everyday life. Basic needs for relaxation, connexion and security are satisfied which results in emotional stability. The project works in three ways: 

  • After arriving in Germany the refugees experience emotional support and are supported in their integration process. 
  • The participants build up essential resources to respond adequately to their needs. 
  • The course on the website „HELP by Taking in the Good“ is offered in Ukrainian and in German, it enables a large number of refugees to participate in the long term. 

Refugees are involved in all project phases during the implementation, conception and adaptation of the course on the website: Right from the start of the project, refugees are invited to take part in the project by participating in the live online training courses and different teams. Participants experience the high effectiveness of the HEAL method and are motivated to help with the development of the online course. The cooperation with the refugees takes place in small working groups, which are based on their interests and capacities. Suitable areas for cooperation include, for example, interpreting, translation work, audio recordings in Ukrainian, testing the course with feedback loops, etc. In addition, refugees act as multipliers in the dissemination and publication of HEAL way beyond the end of the project. 

The volunteers are also involved in all project phases. On the one hand, interested volunteers can take part in one of the live online training courses held by a certified PNT trainer in phase 1. You will get to know the HEAL method and experience directly how helpful it is to perceive, enrich and absorb positive experiences in everyday life. On the other hand, they are motivated to get involved in the development of the self directed online course according to their skills and preferences (see working groups) and then to participate in the further dissemination of the HEAL method within and outside their organization.

Furthermore, volunteers from the group of former participants of previous HEAL training courses are involved as qualified multipliers. Since they are already successfully practicing the HEAL method in their everyday lives, they are ideal for spreading the HEAL method to other volunteers and/or Ukrainian refugees.


Support Ukrainian refugees

You too can support our psychological aid project for Ukrainian refugees so that sustained psychological support can be provided. This is the only way to avoid long-term trauma, especially in Ukrainian children.

Thank you for your Ukraine donation!

The project is supported by the DSEE (Deutsche Stiftung für Engagement and Ehrenamt) German Foundation for Engagement and Volunteering)

“EHRENAMT HILFT GEMEINSAM – ankommen, mitmachen, Gesellschaft gestalten – Volunteers are helping together – arriving, participating, shaping society”


We are looking forward to meeting you! We help together!
